Logmore Feature: Report Exports
Why reports matter
Data is a key to improvement. Like I said in the post Three Reasons Data Logging is Vital for Your Pharma Company, when you use a suitable data logger to monitor what your products go through during shipping and storing, you can not only be certain of the validity of your goods yourself, but can also show the data to any authorities and superiors asking about your operations, and even to the end-users if the logger is exceptionally efficient.
The trust attained with transparent operations is what earns your company the credibility that secures you new partners and customers - and a good reputation all around. And of course, you get to see yourself what you can work on if you notice something that could be improved.
Accessing reports
The reports can be accessed on both mission and logger pages of the Logmore Web. To access a mission or a logger's data, simply click "open" on the relevant list page. The link to the downloads can be found right after the measurement history section of the pages, before the location data.
By clicking the "View as list or download Excel" button, you'll be redirected to a page where you can choose your reporting method. Currently there are three different options: online list, excel file, and CSV file. At the time I'm writing this, PDF format downloads are being developed and well under way.
Regardless of the format, the data is the same. It all comes down to preference, be it your own, your superior's or that of other authorities.
Available reports
There are two main types of reports, one for missions and one loggers.
A small extra
As a nice tidbit of information at the end, you can also share your reporting view online if you wish. Whether you're sharing that data within your organization or with someone else, the feature can come extremely handy in many use cases. You can find the share button on both mission and logger pages near the left top corner, where you also see the mission's or logger's name and ID number.
Did you like this post? Share it with friends and colleagues who might be interested, and check out the earlier Logmore Feature posts Missions, Alerts and Scanning.