Cyber Security in the World of Internet-of-Things

We discussed the industrial Internet-of-Things and the possibilities it offers earlier this week. The Internet-of-Things, or IoT, refers to objects that communicate with each other. You’ll find these objects in the house and at work; from smart fridges telling your phone you need more milk, to your smartwatch, tablet and laptop all being connected through your cloud service. Any and all objects networked together can be included in the Internet-of-Things.
Cyber security implements the use of processes and technology to protect such networked systems, lowering the risk of cyber attacks. Unprotected objects that “talk” to each other could put sensitive information or network security at jeopardy, as they are more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Cyber security in a connected world
IoT devices create different cyber security needs because they function without human intervention. Data collection and analysis, internal communication and data logging all take place automatically within the IoT. While this creates ease and allows for innovation in business, it also opens up sensitive information to being more easily compromised. Not only could customers’ personal details be accessed, but important information on your products could be leaked, even long after the release of the products. The move towards networked information requires tailored and effective security measures.
How to address cyber security issues
Cyber security is no longer just about installing software and letting it take care of your security needs. It now entails implementing a whole range of processes that need to be followed throughout the lifespan of a project. A combination of security measures such as the use of encryption, ensuring compliance in cyber security procedures and implementing secure password policies and device authentication to access information can help you secure your business. Having access logs for IoT devices can also help you keep track of compliance and any weak links in your cyber security processes.
Security benefits of non-IoT devices
As IoT devices are relatively new, there are always risks the developers cannot be aware of yet. The vulnerability of connected devices means information can be readily accessed by cyber attackers, often in ways we aren’t even aware of. Using non-IoT devices in the workplace means these unknown risks are eliminated and security measures can be more easily implemented. Logmore services are a curious example of "semi-IoT", as they're both IoT and non-IoT: there is no real-time conversation between Logmore Web, the cloud service, but on the other hand the data is just a click away from moving between the data loggers and the cloud. So, in most cases a human interaction is needed, but it is so simple that even that could be automized.
Did this spark any concerns? We take security seriously, having even made it one of our first priorities. Take a look at our security protocols to benchmark other services or just see if you'd trust our service.
Also, take a look at our other blog posts concerning the topics mentioned in this post: Top Things to Consider in Order to Choose a Secure System, How the Industrial Internet of Things can help your business and It’s Time to Talk about Blockchain.